Business name: Champlain Mediation
Traci is an experienced mediator and parent coordinator, serving Addison, Rutland and Chittenden counties, in Vermont, and provides professional service with a personalized touch. She has a B.A. in Psychology and a Master’s Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution.
● Middlebury, Vt
Business name: Poole Mediation
Irene's practice is focussed primarily on parent coordination (a court-referred process). She also takes family mediation cases in post-divorce situations involving modifications to existing agreements.
● Middlebury, Vt
Business name: Trillium Resolutions
I am passionate about helping people communicate with each other to find what works. I draw from a wide range of strategies because every conflict situation is unique and personal. As my client you will always experience respect for where you are now and for what you'd like to accomplish. Whether you're an adult sibling trying to find family agreement on elder issues, a business owner seeking greater buy-in on a new direction, or a couple working through divorce/parentage issues; I can guide you through conversations that will uncover the best solutions for you.
● Middlebury, Vt